Monday, October 20, 2008

Kittens-October 1

I have two kittens. They were both gathered from the streets, and they are both sick. I have taken them to the vet, but the doctor wasn’t there and I decided not to stay another day to wait for him. The vet in question is in Fez, and to be legal according to Peace Corps policy, I needed to get back to site post haste. The vet tech saw me, but… well, the jury is still out: we’ll see how they respond. They’ve been half-dewormed (the second half to be administered in about 8 days) and I have medicine, but they are still sick, and it is a PAIN!!! I follow them around with newspaper and wet wipes trying (nearly in vain) to keep my house and blankets free of kitty poo. I’m sure it would be a pretty funny video if you put it on fast forward, actually. On the other hand, they are adorable. Two tiny, skinny kittens who think I’m their mother. One of them has even tried to nurse from my skirt… unsuccessfully… none of my clothing produces milk, as it turns out… ( They like to sleep and cuddle together and tear around like mad things when they’re feelin’ good. They also like to perch on my shoulders, curl in my lap, sneak under the covers, and climb straight up my legs. My fellow inhabitants of Ouled Ali are always asking if I do, in fact like living alone, and I tell them: I don’t live alone, I have two cats! Never fails to get them to laugh… But these boys do keep me company, and definitely keep me busy! Mothering these two little guys is a job! They get cold really easily (and I don’t have central heating… or any heating for that matter), are always hungry but fairly picky about what they’ll eat, have fleas that I’m trying to erradicate and poo accidentally every few hours. I’m glad to have them, though. They are company, no matter what anyone says. And they keep me warmer at night and serve as an excellent alarm clock between 5 am and 7 am. Why pay for a clock when you can raise it?

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