Saturday, March 1, 2008


i'm in the home of the philly cheesesteak, the city of brotherly love. it's cool to chilly, and there's 60 Peace Corps Trainees running around. it's a great group so far. lot's of smart, funny people, who're passionate about doing good in the world! there's three married couples in our group, one of whom are in their retirement years. i am, however, mostly in the company of my own age group for the first time in months. it feels great! i have even met two, count them 1,2 Christians already. I know some of you were praying for that, and i'd have to say, prayers answered! although neither are in my sector, the fact that they are there at all is comforting. just someone to understand where i'm coming from if things get hard, you know? but everyone is super nice and friendly and excited and full of hopes and fears and ideas and plans and all sorts of crazy emotions! it's great, but tiring. which is why i'm going to bed. and, dad, there are many who brought their laptops. which makes me feel somewhat better, even though i'm still decked out in technology, as only your daughter would be! :)

for all of you who are over 50 and think you're too old for peace corps, but wish you had done it, i have news for you! the oldest volunteer to ever serve was eighty. that's right, 80! so, if you really want to, have the time and the consensus with your spouse, check out the online application!!! anyway.

we've been orientating, getting to know each other, and just chillin' for a couple of days. we registered, i got all my paperwork in. Mrs. Erickson, you should expect a call about the school-partnership thing sometime in the relatively near future. :)

things are going well so far!
love and peace to all


a said...

TWIN! Thank you so much for calling, you are amazing. I've been thinking about you a lot (well, ok, I ALWAYS think about my twin) but now that I've talked to you over the phone I have the butterflies. I am so excited for you and can't wait to hear how things go. You are embarking on such an adventure, another great chapter in the journey of life! I am most excited for you to meet the amazing people who will be your new friends and family for the next two years/for life...and I can't wait to meet them all when I come to visit!
Much love I must get working on a letter to you.
Love, Adrienne

i am 6 yrs old in my mind said...

dude, hope you are safe and sound in morocco and i'm looking at flights in may to casablanca and the white sands are sounding marvelous if you have a couple seconds around the 5-7th of may... :D love you lots, lemme know, and i wish you the best of blessings, strength, and the love and openness you have always possessed in every endeavor of your life... go rock them all! love ya! lisa